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Share your “Urban Oasis” to win a $100 Urbanhome Gift Card!

By Events
(CONTEST CLOSED) While you’re spending more time at home… how has Urbanhome made your home a little more enjoyable? Show us how much you LOVE YOUR SPACE by posting a photo of a room we’ve helped design or furniture you’ve purchased from Urbanhome. You could WIN $100 gift card and be featured on Urbanhome’s page! How to win: Post a photo of a room, we’ve helped design or furniture you’ve purchased from Urbanhome, that you enjoy the most while staying at home. All Entries are judged based on creativity and post worthy material. You must use the hashtag #urbanhomecontest and…
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Calling All 2016 Angels

By Design, Events, News
Our 2016 Urban Angel Bedroom Makeover Event is now open for nominations!! Please spread the word…… Tell us a story about a child you know with an exceptionality that would love a bedroom makeover. We want to step in and make a dream room a reality for a very special angel….all on us. Email us and tell us who and why…in three paragraphs or less, along with a photo and their address. We will carefully consider all entries and present our chosen Urban Angel with a bedroom makeover, compliments of urban home and other local businesses.
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